Pertici BS771 Automatic Bead Saw



These cutting machines are ideal for the machining of PVC profiles. They have two
fixed, opposed blade motors on the mobile carriage set at 45° to the workpiece
support surface. The reciprocal arrangement of the blades allows the cutting of “X”
profiles. The height of the support surface in relation to the blades can be set with a
vertical adjustment device.
Each head has two blades of different diameters, with the 45° cuts being made by
the larger-diameter blade and the internal bevelling for the fitting of the bead with
the smallerdiameter blade.
The two models are distinguished by their different feed systems: rnanual (BS770)
and automatic (BS771).
COMPONENTS SUPPLIED: N. 2 Velical pneumatic clamping kits. - N. 2 Widia saw
blades diam. 225 mm. - N. 2 Widia saw blades diam. l03 mm. - Computeurs a decades.
OPTIONALS: Side stops complete with measuring gauge. - Side supports. - Electronic
gauge. - VISUAL IR roller.



Machine Cut


Machine Spec